CSS Properties, Selectors and Specificity

Concept Explanation Example
<link> Link Element Used in HTML file to link a CSS file for styling the HTML file. "href" specifies the URL of the CSS document. "rel" describes the relationship of the linked document. "type" defines what type of content is being linked. <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >
Inline Style Where styling is applied to an html element within the html file and not in a separate css style. <h2 style="text-align: center;">Centered text</h2>
Class Selectors Classes can be used numerous times and can be applied to many different elements. Classes are used to apply styling to all elements given that class name. In css, they are denoted with a full stop ".". .myclass {

ID Selectors ID selectors are used to apply a unique stying to one single element. In css, they are denoted with a hash "#". #myID {
